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Club Penguin Archives:Request uploader permissions

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Revision as of 22:40, 13 February 2014 by (talk)
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Here you may request permissions. If you would like to request administrator powers, go here. The only permissions obtainable from this page are:

  • Uploader (You are able to upload, move and delete files)
  • Patroller (Not of much use on this wiki, but obtainable if needed. Used to revert vandalism.)
  • Please do not request this right unless you see frequent vandalism that the administration is not taking care of (taking place over more than one day).
Make a request

Request rights

To apply for a certain user right, you can either use the "Make a request" link above, or sign up here manually. If you sign up manually, then please state the right you're requesting (uploader or patroller), the reason behind your request, and at the end of your request put your signature by typing four tildes (~~~~). Once an administrator sees your request, they will respond on here as to whether or not you have been given the requested rights.

P.S.- If you abuse any rights that you are given, they can and may be taken away from you by administrators without notice.

Misabr (edits - logs) (Permission: UPLOADER) (Reason: To upload SWFs, like Holiday Party 2013 SWF for the Cloud Forest, or Postcards, Rooms for some partys in the future)

Abdul54 (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Rights) (Reason: I want to help with the wiki)

Octopus (edits - logs) (Permission: Uploader Rights) (Reason: I want to add more swfs mostly in the postcards section, and I also have a few misc. swfs you may need.) (edits - logs) (Permission: ADMINISTRATOR) (Reason: Hi there,

I wanted to become an administrator. As I would like people to stop putting bad swf files that don't work. Also I have loads of CP SWF's (entire game play files, I download them for my test server) And would like to upload it for other's to use.

I specialise in downloading these type of files.

(Local Crumbs, Global Crumbs, ROOM SWF's, Newspapers,JSON Files and loads more.)

If you need to contact me my email address is [email protected]

Many Thanks. Haroon )