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Halloween Party 2014

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Room Music
Puffle Hotel Lobby 362
Puffle Hotel Rooftop 361
Puffle Hotel Spa 360


Room Music
Beach 495
Beacon 504
Book Room 669
Cave 670
Clothes Shop 345
Cloud Forest 759
Cove 496
Dock 498
Dojo 403
Dojo Courtyard 760
Fire Dojo 764
Forest 499
Iceberg 758
Lighthouse 588
Lodge Attic 672
Mine Shack 503
Pet Shop 659
Pizza Parlor 676
Plaza 779
Puffle Hotel Lobby 766
Puffle Hotel Roof 767
Puffle Hotel Spa 768
Puffle Park 769
School 502
Skatepark 754
Ski Hill 505
Ski Lodge 589
Ski Village 505
Snow Dojo 765
Snow Forts 500
Stadium 501
Town 779

Party Rooms

Room Music
Puffle Hotel Balcony 762
Puffle Hotel Ballroom 772
Puffle Hotel Ballroom (One Correct) 772
Puffle Hotel Ballroom (Two Correct) 772
Puffle Hotel Ballroom (Three Correct) 772
Puffle Hotel Ballroom (Four Correct) 772
Puffle Hotel Ballroom (Mistake) 772
Puffle Hotel Ballroom (Mistake) 772
Puffle Hotel Basement 770
Puffle Hotel Deluxe Suite 774
Puffle Hotel Dining Room 773
Puffle Hotel Library 775
Puffle Hotel Luxury Suite 776
Puffle Hotel Pool 761
Puffle Hotel Sitting Room 343
Puffle Hotel Storage 777
Puffle Hotel Storage (solo) 777
Puffle Hotel Thirteenth Floor 778
Puffle Hotel Thirteenth Floor (solo) 778

Night of the Living Sled

English Português (Portuguese) Français (French) Español (Spanish) Deutsch (German) Русский (Russian)
Night of the Living Sled Night of the Living Sled Night of the Living Sled Night of the Living Sled Night of the Living Sled Night of the Living Sled



Close Ups

English Português (Portuguese) Français (French) Español (Spanish) Deutsch (German) Русский (Russian)
Login Dialogue (pre-party)
Login Dialogue
Bellhop Dialogue
Gariwald Dialogue
Ghost Intro Dialogue
Ghost Defeated Dialogue
Quest Interface Quest Interface Quest Interface Quest Interface Quest Interface Quest Interface
Hotel Elevator Hotel Elevator Hotel Elevator Hotel Elevator Hotel Elevator Hotel Elevator

Login Screen

English Português (Portuguese) Français (French) Español (Spanish) Deutsch (German) Русский (Russian)
Halloween Party 2014 Halloween Party 2014 Halloween Party 2014 Halloween Party 2014 Halloween Party 2014 Halloween Party 2014

Membership Notice

Member Costumes
Ghost Puffle